Edinburgh Costco

Welcome to Our 25th Blog Post!

I’m big on Costco.
— Dave Grohl

It’s Tuesday morning (Dec 20) and that can mean only one thing—sourdough is back on the shelf at Archipelagø Bakery! Above: the walk down our street to buy bread this morning.

Erica, close your eyes and please try to ignore the gluttony of gluten!

For those of you wondering, the soda bread had “stuff” in it, so it received an A+ from me, a C from Amanda, and an “Avoid-at-all-costs” from Pam.

Pam really wanted to visit Rosslyn Chapel today, so we hoped on the bus for the 45-minute-or-so journey. About a mile from the Chapel, our bus unexpectedly failed to make the turn we needed and instead continued in a different direction. Long story, but, we eventually had to exit, take a short walk, and pick up another bus. As we stepped on the new bus to finish the last leg of our journey, we spotted this on the bus floor:

Keith letting us know everything would be alright after the unexpected detour.

Pam outside the incomparable Rosslyn Chapel.

Now look who’s being bad! Amanda snapped this illicit photo of Pam inside the Rosslyn Chapel’s basement sacristy.

While they were inside Rosslyn Chapel (I didn’t want to pay the entrance fee again), I wandered down the hill to see what can be seen of Rosslyn Castle.

Near the River North Esk looking up at the bridge leading to the castle on the left. The parting shot from The Da Vinci Code movie was shot across the bridge toward the two prominent towers.

Under the bridge and not a troll in sight.

The castle’s east wall.

The view that inspired poet Robert Burns.

How it looked in its heyday.

If these walls could speak.

The River North Esk.

Tori and Kiera this might be a fun story to read up on.

Add it to the list!

OK, OK, OK, without further ado, the moment you’ve all waited for with bated breath!

Silly Brits, you misspelled your sign.

Ops, there they go again.

This was my number 1 question and now I have my answer, you can buy Costco-sized haggis.

Square sausage? What is this, Wendy’s?

I think they mean the pig was pampered…right up until the moment it wasn’t.

Yum, suckers and all! 😋

Maybe not our best, but hey, it’s still Paso Robles in Edinburgh.

I’ve seen massive cheese wheels, but this is the biggest dang block of cheese I’ve ever seen..

Now that’s a bag of French fries.

Ginormous quad-packs of Scottish or English tea anyone?

Scotland’s very own soda Irn Bru in bulk.

Tea’s best friend—oh so hard to find in the States, but available in bulk in the UK.

Special delivery for Alex!

Extra large cans for you Karina!

Bulk potato scones, like Norwegian lefsa, only better. Wish we had these in the US.

Please pull your trolley forward dear.

The food court UK style.

Sorry, I don’t know how to do this math yet, but Jason says it’s $6.43 per US gallon for gasoline & $7.38 for diesel. Yikes! Makes California gas seem like a real bargain!

Whether it’s in the UK or the USA, Costco is always a fun experience. By day’s end, Pam had recorded 7,839 steps, 3.14 miles, & 28 flights of stairs. Congratulations and well done Pam!


Winter’s Morn


Palace of Holyroodhouse