53 Years It’s Been
“Climbing up on Solsbury Hill” apparently provided Peter Gabriel with the inspiration to leave Genesis and strike out on his own. (And where would we be without Sledgehammer, Shock the Monkey, Red Rain, and—of course—In Your Eyes?)
Solsbury Hill was Gabriel’s first single and he said the song was “…about being prepared to lose what you have for what you might get … It's about letting go.”
Which is not so dissimilar to my decision to leave my career early so we could pursue our dream to travel extensively throughout the UK. So, on this my 53rd birthday, it seems very fitting to climb up on Solsbury Hill and follow Gabriel’s example of letting go.
What a day. The view was breathtaking! Have someone show you the video that includes the Peter Gabriel song.
Tears for Fears is one of my all-time favorite bands. Roland Orzabal and Curt Smith began playing music together when they were two unhappy thirteen-year-olds from broken homes living in the Snow Hill neighborhood in Bath. (The photo below was the best we could do…look closely at the wall for the Snow Hill sign.)
Their first recording, "The Sounds of Silence," was made at a Bath music center when they were fifteen and, three years later, the duo was playing gigs in local clubs. Orzabal and Smith found musical inspiration in psychotherapist Arthur Janov and his concept of the primal scream, which provided the basis for their name, Tears for Fears. (Although their song Shout ironically has nothing to do with the primal scream, the concept surfaces frequently in their lyrics.)
Tears for Fears released a demo of Pale Shelter which landed the group a recording contract. They began working in London recording studios, and in 1983 their first album, The Hurting, was released.